A phone call away
Any questions after signing your new Wills are dealt with as an important factor for us. You can speak to one of our friendly support staff, or your advisor, who are always more than happy to help.
Free Amendments*
We all know that life circumstances can change all too quickly, therefore, we offer the ability to change your Will as many times as you wish within the first year (*usual charge of £25 admin fee after the first 12 months).
We appreciate that a Will is not something you or the family wants to deal with until it is needed. We therefore always advise storing it with us so that it will not be lost or damaged and so that we can be there to talk the family through the next steps.
We want to keep you included and up-to-date with any changes in the law and further things that may interest you.
Heritage Wills Newcastle upon Tyne
Life has many twists and turns, marriages, break up, and family re-marrying. It is of the utmost importance to ensure your legacy is passed onto those you chose, not those who are automatically next in line.
Many clients assume if they leave everything to their children, any inheritance, would then automatically pass down to their grandchildren. Unfortunately, a standard Will, or what many refer to as mirror Wills, will state that your grandchildren would only inherit if their Mother or Father dies before them. This means your grandchildren may not receive any part of your legacy.
Therefore, without the correct Will in place, your children's and grandchildren's inheritance is not safeguarded. Meaning your wishes may not be met and could leave money to one or more of the following:
Your Childs ex-spouse
Your Childs new Wife or Husband
New Step-Grandchildren
Local Authority
Your Child's creditors
It is important you plan your Will correctly and ensure your heritage and legacy is passed onto those whom your wishes dictate.
Our specialised team are available for a free hour, no commitment, advisory appointment to help determine what works best for your circumstances. They will work with you in drafting your tailored documents.
When you decide to begin your journey in making your Will with us, we will be on hand to guide you through the process during the drafting process, and indeed after you have signed your new Will. We will be there to advise you on any changes and future concerns.
For more information, don't hesitate to book a free appointment or Request a call-back to see one of our friendly legal advisors.
You may also be interested in Unmarried Couples Wills and Civil Partnership Wills
Our existing clients are important to us, so our aftercare includes:

Now it's your move... Request an Appointment
Have a few questions? Not to worry, contact us to request a free hour advisory appointment today for one of our specialist advisors and they will be happy to answer any questions you have.
Prefer a call back? Please leave your name, number, and time in our contact box and one of our legal advisors will be happy to give you a call back to arrange an appointment.
Have a look at our free information pack for more information.